Non-Terminal Degrees A non-terminal degree is a degree that is not final within a field.
Your skin may be red and painful, but you won’t have any blisters. These burns only affect the outer layer of your skin, called the epidermis. 3 : an amount or level that can be measured or compared to another amount or level These trees will thrive, to a greater or lesser degree, in a number of climates. 47 degrees latitude/longitude a 15 degree angle - abbreviation deg. : a unit for measuring the size of an angle There are 360 degrees in a circle. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Jake Frederico Arizona Republic View Comments 0:00 2:24 Scientists are predicting that El Niño conditions are likely to develop this year - forecasters put the chances at 55% for a strong cycle.

The hierarchy of degrees dates back to the universities of 13th-century Europe, which had faculties organized into guilds. Degress meaning degree, also called academic degree, in education, any of several titles conferred by colleges and universities to indicate the completion of a course of study or the extent of academic achievement.